information protection policy

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information protection policy

The importance of the computer and the information it holds. This importance requires maintaining the computer as a fixed device and the information as material that travels from one device to another.
Information security policies are one of the important means of maintaining the security of a computer, which includes the risks to which it is exposed or the information it holds. These risks may be prepared for theft, vandalism, natural negligence, or external factors such as fire.
The observer knows that the problems arising from IT crimes are very large, and therefore it is important to take the necessary measures to maintain the security of the computer in its physical (hardware) and intangible entities (software and data).

There are many ways to maintain these two entities, and one of these ways and means is to put in place appropriate security policies that ensure their verification, follow-up and implementation. Relationship to work such as the Internet in general, or visiting some sites that have nothing to do with work, or e-mail and others.
The Internet has played a major role in increasing the interest in information security
 policies, because it provided the opportunity for many to access the information networks of enterprises, and therefore its role is significant in many of the crimes and violations that information centers are exposed to. In the world.

It is not enough to purchase a firewall and antivirus software to protect the networks of any facility. Security policies define the security standards that the facility must follow. They explain information security in the facility in general terms and without details... that is, it is a plan or a work program. For information security, it is important to clarify that the information security policy does not include the way in which the policy is implemented, but rather outlines the objectives to be achieved.
It is always important when creating information security policies to have the support and support of senior management.. Its interest and support ensures that employees are interested in and implement information security policies, creating and implementing information security policies without direct support from senior management will lead to a catastrophic and assured failure of information security policies, and there are many means Which helps in gaining the support of senior management, including clarifying the true value of the information and that it is an important resource for the facility, as well as the possibility for workers inside the facility to obtain information that they do not have the right to view, as well as the possibility for parties outside the facility to access, access and destroy the information.
A good way to obtain the approval of senior management is to show them articles and books specialized in this topic, as well as learn the true stories of some facilities that have been damaged due to the lack of information security policies in them.
(Although many researchers in this field assert that appropriate security policies are in place

information protection

They are provided to protect information from internal
 or external risks. Standards and procedures taken 
to prevent information from getting into the hands of 
unauthorized persons through communications and to ensure 
the authenticity and authenticity of such communications.
Information protection is an old issue,
 but it has been used effectively since the beginnings of 
technological development. Information security depends on:-
Operating system protection systems
Software and application protection systems.
Database protection systems.
Access to security systems or access to systems.

Specialized knowledge of securing information circulating on the Internet 

from the risks that threaten it. 

With the development of technology and the 

means of storing and exchanging information in various ways, or the so-called

 transmission of data over the network from one location to another, the security

 of that data and information has become a very important and vital concern.

 Information security can be defined as the science that works to provide

protection for information from the risks that threaten it or the barrier 

that prevents its attack by providing the necessary tools and means.

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